A quick Review and a progress update

&I snatched up this issue of Pyramid not because my game is looking to be undead heavy, but because I am a big fan of one of the concepts, the partially resurrected, or half undead.

Ever since I had first cracked open my copy of GURPS UNDEAD back in the early nineties, I have toyed with using the templates within as means of representing sentient undead.

bub Like this guy .

Back in ’02 when I was first running Northport, I was also playing in an RPOL.net GURPS game called Necropolis. I always wondered if it was the testing ground for Abydos. I played a character who was the result of a critical success in casting Create Zombie, fully aware and “living” in secret as a servant in a Vampire lord’s house, handling little things like going to market and tipping his food/paid companionship. The game folded around when the action was getting interesting, but I set up a character in Northport who was in the same situation, Cavil the Wayfallen, an Adventurer who was killed and sold to the guild necromancer to pay the rest of his party’s healing bills. He led a revolt of the local dead (The guild keeps zeds around for target practice and to do work the kobolds refuse to touch), and one of the first players in Northport had to deal with him and arrange for him to become an indentured servant instead of property.

Now there is a template for people like him, the products of a cheap-ass resurrection spell. Not a bad way to create a character, and different from the complexities of becoming one of the Half Living from Dead Reign.

Now, what has been killing me is the dual game character sheets I have been working on for Beneath the Fallen Tower. Here is the first one:




It is still a work in progress.


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