Disasters with Lidocaine and an upcoming Con

So, earlier this spring, I developed a pinched nerve in my shoulder, which caused me to have shooting pains and numbness in my left arm. I had about six weeks of physical therapy, and was pretty well cured… until last Saturday evening, when a sudden Spasm in my shoulder set it off again, only worse. This led to an urgicare visit, where they shot me full of Toradol and sent me home with a hit of Valium, and a script for lidocaine cream.  I was working on something for one of my patrons, Tim Shorts of Gothridge Manor. (join my patreon too and I might do the same for you!). So I was preparing to scan it, and went to erase some pencil lines.  Who knew that the lidocaine I had just applied to my arm would make the gel pen run like that?  I was able to scan the image in, but got it a little canted,  which I did not realize until I was halfway through my usual Photoshop and MS paint cleaning combo,so I rescanned it. I then went to do this again, and accidentally opened up the tilted image, and worked on it for about an hour before I caught on.  After a good long break, I went in and did the same edits on the non tilted image.  My methods for drawing are particular; Pencil, followed by G2 0.38 and 1.0 gels, usually on copy paper. I will try to avoid making contact  to my art with analgesics from this point.

Coming up this August 25, at the Same Con where I ran my adventure for SWCL, I will be running my adventure Beneath the Fallen Tower using my  Low Level Dungeon Fantasy rules, which I am going to build some pregens from.  I discuss the development of this adventure on a number of posts, just click on the tags below.

My art strives to be inclusive in representation, and as I had planned on including my character art on the pregen characters, I realized I needed to step it up, so I am working on more. This will probably be in a bundle soon…

One thought on “Disasters with Lidocaine and an upcoming Con

  1. Pingback: GURPSDay Summary July 20, 2018 – July 26, 2018 - Gaming Ballistic

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