Painting and visits from another blog

For the first time in a few months, I have picked up a brush to work with color. Within a few days of posting on instagram, I get an inquiry about an art show in a venue I like. Maybe, 26 years out of art school, things are finally starting to happen? We will see.

Yesterday I met up with the mind behind the Brasileño gaming blog, Pontos de Experiencia .
Diogo Nogueira, fresh from GenCon, and the Goodman Games booth, passed some time with me at the Compleat Strategist and the hall of arms and armor in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We talked about Dungeon Crawl Classics, my DF game and Appendix N.

I had thought about a funnel adventure, and liked the idea of adventure  being thrust upon one, rather than it being a carreer path.

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