The People of the Pit

People of the Pit

People of the Pit

While working on the history of the Trollfolk of Northport, I had the good fortune to acquire Brave Halfling’s adaptation of the A.Merrit classic, The People of the Pit through an OSR Humble Bundle. It can also be found here. At about the same time, I picked up the Alternate Dungeons edition of pyramid . Which described Unknowable Things, very closely resembling the people of the pit. If you were to take that template and add ST+10, DR+1,  SM+2 and either of mentalist/wizard or mentalist/cleric lenses, and you have my people of the pit. The image above was presented as a carving in a stone table where my PC’s were feasting with the trolls, after completing their challenges. The carving depicts the valiant triumph of the people of the Eastern depths over the child stealing People of the Pit. This caused much consternation amongst the party, but isn’t that what elder things do?

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