Two cursed swords

One of these was a requested part of a character build, the other was an option one of the characters bought into, claiming it as a reward for a successful mission.

The Butcher’s blade:

This is an ugly black blunt-tipped broadsword. It has Pussiance+1 and induces Bloodlust in the owner.  Using the DFRG rules, Pussiant Weapons have an added value of $5000, which amounts to 10 character points. Combined as a package with its disadvantage, the point cost is a flat 0, upped to one point for signature gear.


Hyppäävä Miekka, the blade that leaps.

This one was a little more difficult to parse; I worked with Ghostdancer on costing it out.

The blade that leaps is an intelligent, Fine, Ornate, Thrusting Broadsword, and fairly powerful. It’s name is written in runes on the blade. It is a Dancing Sword, and a Loyal one, and has Pussiance +1. Quite the bundle of positive features, it has a number of drawbacks.  The owner has the trifecta of Phantom Voices, Nightmares, and Light Sleeper as a result of its constant telepathic babble (These are considered charged to the PC’s disadvantages).  The sword is Noisy, thrumming loudly whenever drawn. The weapon is Jealous of all other blades, and its owner will find it in their hand any time they reach for another edged weapon… making cutting one’s meat a little difficult.  The weapon Also has bloodlust, and must draw blood daily. The impulse to do so can be resisted by will, but it costs the user 1 fp per day to resist.  Finally, the dancing ability also draws fatigue from the user, one point per minute. The item, with these complications, is treated as an artifact, topping out at a mere 25 point cost (30 points -5 points for the fatigue drain.) Built on a straight points for cash, would run it up to something like 140 points, so the character who owns it is very greatful I charged it out this way.


I had previously posted about the surprise I had when few of the PC’s in my game had bothered to attempt to build characters owning magical or silvered weapons as part of their character concept. This player walked in with the aim of being a fighting wizard with a dancing blade and the ability to cast magic missile and dimension door. I was willing to build an Apprentice with the 100pt “Haha now I can teleport” and 25 points worth of  the wizard/knight lens, but the player wanted something weapon focused.

I used a stripped down version of Squire+ Adept, and added the sword, half elf and magic bolt, for a moderate multiclassed character.

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